Thursday, July 26, 2007

Barack O Yeah

William Arkin is crazo. One among many of course, but definitely in the pool. Here's what I say:

Hillary and Barack are both thoughtful and driven. I think that Hillary's approach to politics includes years of forced moderation and 'going with the political flow'. Barack's willingness to be simple and direct, accepting the consequences of that approach, is what I like about him - your "diplomatic version" of what he said could just as easily be tagged as "more spinnable", and the bottom line is that Hillary tends to put things in a way that lets her reinterpret her own past, while Barack's approach leaves him committed. I hope he sticks to that approach, and I hope it wins him the presidency - that will say something about the American peoples' ability to overcome their exhaustion with spinning corrupt hypocritical politicians (and their pet journalists).

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